Genie & John

Genie & John

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I missed one

Yesterday was my first day back to college.  Well, I was sitting in my office at home talking to my computer and telling my computer that I didn't understand instead of classmates but that is pretty much how it went down.  I am taking on-line classes through BYUI.
After a loooong hiatus from school I figured it was time for me to go back.  My husband has his masters. My daughter has graduated from BYUH, my son is going to Sacramento State and my daughter-in-law is finishing her degree on-line through Humboldt.  I better get on this, I thought.  So Pathway was my choice.  They ease my ancient 47 year old mind into thinking like a student again and it is Gospel centered.  How can this go wrong?
Until I was looking at the dashboard.  And the assignments.  And the discussion boards.  Do you know they want you to post on a discussion board and then go back and comment on three other people's post?  Can't we just say this is Facebook and call it good?  Why do we have to complicate it with a formal discussion board?  Oh my.  I feel like I am learning a new language, drinking from a fire hose or any of those other mind blowing sayings.  I feel like I am just maybe too old to do this.  What was I thinking?  I took a quiz and I missed one.  One!  That is terrible!  
All of these "new" things were weighing on me so I asked a friend over who teaches on-line for BYUI to come and look and make sure I was doing everything right.
He kindly obliged.  As I was going on and on about dashboards and discussion boards and missing one question on a quiz I realized he had on his smile he learned most likely from being a bishop.  You know the one---I have a crazy person in my office and I will let them vent and go off and they will feel better but in the end they are just fine.
And so at the end of the day yesterday I got a lot of school work done, updated my missionary's blog, went grocery shopping, I had dinner on the table at five (and it was healthy), went to FHE and read part of a novel. 
I just may be able to do this school thing....

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