Genie & John

Genie & John

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Done. Done. Done.
I just completed finals week and my father was in the hospital for the week with blood clots in his lungs and legs for the entire week.  I am not sure how I accomplished  what I did accomplish with the stress of everything going on in our family.  But I got a 99 in both of my classes, never turned in anything late and still helped my parents as much as I wanted to.
I know that I had help.  Help from a husband who loves me and would bring me diner at the computer while I was doing homework.  He would empty the dishwasher or do the laundry.  All things I have done for years.  All while he balances his job and responsibilities as bishop of the YSA ward.  When I would say why are you helping me so much?  He would just tell me that I did it for him.
I am blessed to have him supporting me.
I had help from a loving Heavenly Father that is giving me that confidence that I have lacked my entire life to be able to say that I am a student.  This is huge for me.
And so for now, for the next two weeks, I am done with school.  I completed my first semester and not only that but I have been able to support my parents as my dad has been diagnosed with cancer and has been receiving treatment.
Until January 3 when I start again....

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What If...

When I was a teenager we had these plays in our youth groups called road shows and one year the theme was What If.  One group did---What if there was no velcro.  I don't know, what if there was no velcro, kids could actually know how to tie their shoes, maybe.
My what if tonight is in the form of a calculator.  On my grading page....what if I keep pulling the grades I have been getting do I have to take the final and if so how many points do I need to get to get an A?  These are real problems in life.  The world could get along without velcro, I don't think I could get along without the what if calculator!